Monday, January 5, 2009

Digression: Michael Lerner on 9/11

Michael Lerner reveals his true colors in an e-mail to Oliver Kamm today (in response to Kamm's criticism of a recent Lerner op-ed). To read the whole thing (which mostly has to do with Gaza), see Oliver Kamm. I'm mostly interested in the first part of his e-mail.

Lerner writes:

Nothing in my current thinking is tied to agnosticism about 9/11. I do not doubt that the official story is possible, and so, after reading the evidence amassed by 9/11 doubters, is their alternative story. But in thinking about the Middle East, I assume the worst case scenario, namely that 9/11 was in fact a strike by anti-imperialist Muslims who had worked carefully for years to pull off an amazing venture requiring a group of suicide bombers who simultaneously hi-jacked airplanes and caused incredible suffering and murder.

The conclusion I draw from this paragraph is that:

A) he doubts that the 9/11 attacks were actually carried out by Al-Qaeda, a view that as Kamm puts it, "consigns him immediately to an extreme and irrationalist fringe."

B) if that claim turns out to be true, it was a strike by "anti-imperialist Muslims." That's a new one on me - Al-Qaeda as "anti-imperialists"! How about the truth - Al-Qaeda as anti-semitic, anti-western, mass murdering terrorists? Frankly, I think that Lerner has definitely gone off the deep end.

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